The Order of Christian Funerals — Funeral Eucharist for Fr. John

Good afternoon parishioners and friends of St. Ann’s,
     A Private Order of Christian Funerals — Funeral Eucharist Mass for Fr. John is scheduled for Saturday, May 23 at 11 am at St. Ann’s with the Bishop of Gary presiding, The Most Rev. R. J. McClory.  Former Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Dale J. Melczek, will con-celebrate with Four Deans representing the priests of the Diocese of Gary.  Fr. Gediminas Kersys, our Pastoral Care Minister for the Lithuanian Community, will also be in attendance.
     Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, the Mass will be limited to the Bishops and clergy ONLY along with music provided by the Diocese and a parish Sacristan and Lector.  We will be broadcasting a live feed of the Mass on St. Ann’s YouTube Channel starting  ~10:45 am with Mass beginning around 11 am.  This will be our first live feed to the parish YouTube Channel and the Mass will remain available for future viewing as well.
     Plans regarding a Memorial Mass that all can attend will be communicated at a later date when COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted and we can together celebrate the life of our Pastor Fr. John!
    Eternal rest grant unto Fr. John, O Lord.  May perpetual light shine upon him forever, Alleluia!  
     Yours in Christ…