20th Annual Walk for Sojourner Truth House – Saturday, June 12, 9 a.m.
About Sojourner Truth House
Sojourner Truth House (STH) is a day center for homeless and at-risk women and their children and serves an average of 2,100 clients each month. Community clients may receive food, clothing, and other services. Homeless clients receive case management and attend classes to help them develop skills to become self-sustaining, including assistance in finding jobs and affordable housing. The donations collected at the Walk for STH supports these programs and services for women and children in northwest Indiana.
About the Walk for Sojourner Truth House
Walk for Sojourner Truth House is an annual event that unites communities and raises awareness about homelessness in Northwest Indiana. For the last several years, members of the St. Ann Peace and Social Justice Commission have participated in the walk. We invite you to join us! We would also be delighted to convey any donation—no matter how small—to STH’s tireless team of workers, both lay and religious. Just fill out the form below and pass it along, with your donation, to a member of P&SJ!
Click for more information and to donate!
July 2020
Greetings from Peace and Social Justice,
During this shut down, Peace and Social Justice has taken three sizable distributions of food from donations provided by generous St Ann’s parishioners. This week, in fact, we provided the Food Pantry with SCRIP grocery cards totaling $1,850.00. Please clink on the included link to a nice Westchester Neighbors Food Pantry Thank You Letter. This “exhausted” the funds we collected through the annual bake sale. But we hope, with your help, to continue assisting those in our community, as many require support during this stressful time.
The good sisters at Sojourner Truth House in Gary have finally been allowed to reopen—though in a very restricted manner. P&SJ has already been able to deliver household items from a donor at St. Ann. Right now, Sojourner Truth House is only able to take items easily washed or disinfected, such as household and kitchen goods. And their greatest immediate need is quite rudimentary—toilet paper. Is this something small we can work on together? The church is open mornings during office hours for drop-offs. (Or, I’d be happy to hear from you and pick up your food or toilet paper donations at another location; 773-391-5673.)
Thank you for all you have done in the past. We are humbled by your love and generosity and look forward to seeing you at St. Ann’s in the near future.
Perry Cartwright
St Ann Peace & Social Justice Commission
June 2020
Even while our Lenten Food Drive, sponsored by the Peace and Social Justice Commission, has ended, the Westchester Food Pantry is still in need and accepting monetary donations.
The simplest way is to make your check payable to the Westchester Neighbors Food Pantry and mail it directly to them at P.O. Box 902, Chesterton, IN 46304. Please note that it is from a St. Ann Parishioner in the Memo section. You may also contact them by phone at: (219) 787-8475.
Perry Cartwright has generously offered to coordinate parish donations during the pandemic. You may contact Perry by phone at (773) 391-5673 or by email at f1fan2000@gmail.com for more information.
Here’s a photo of Perry delivering food to the Westchester Neighbors Food Pantry a few weeks back —all from the Lenten food drive:
Thank you in advance on behalf of the Westchester Neighbors Food Pantry!