Mass Requests

Everyone is welcome to request Masses at St. Ann’s.  You do not need to be a parishioner nor does the intention have to be for a parishioner.

For your convenience, Mass Requests can be made using the envelopes found in the missal carts located on each side of the vestibule of the church.

Please provide all of the information requested.  Please keep in mind that your choice of a date will be honored on a first come first served basis only if no other intention has been previously scheduled for that date.  If so, the next available Saturday or Sunday will be assigned.

Once completed, please drop it into the collection basket or return it to the parish office with your requested stipend of $10 per mass payable to St. Ann of the Dunes.  Thank you!

Alternatively, you can download a Mass Request form here.  And, once completed, please put it into an envelope and either drop it into the collection basket or return it to the parish office with your requested stipend of $10 per mass payable to St. Ann of the Dunes.  Thank you!