19th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners of Saint Ann,

     I am happy to announce to you that I was able to receive a grant of $20,000.00 from the Diocese of Gary to offset the lost income during the height of the COVID-19 virus.  This grant money was made possible through the generous gift of Bishop Robert J. McClory, the Diocese of Gary, and funds from the Catholic Services Appeal.
     The grant application was unfortunately already closed by the time I arrived at Saint Ann, but I petitioned the Diocese and they granted my request to reopen the application process.
     I would like to extend my gratitude to Bishop McClory and the COVID-19 Finance Task Force who graciously accepted my petition and, as a result, awarded this generous grant to Saint Ann of the Dunes Parish.
     May Saint Ann continue to guide us and pray for us!
     Also, the next public Mass at Saint Ann will be celebrated on Saturday, August 8, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.  Fr. George Schopp will be our celebrant for this Mass.  Some of you may remember him from his many times substituting at Saint Ann’s last year.  On our path to fully opening church for public Mass, I hope that Fr. George can continue to assist us both here at Saint Ann and at Saint Patricks.
     To attend this Mass because of limited seating in the Church, you will need to use the SAVE-A-SEAT Reservation system that can be found on the Saint Patrick Website.  There will be a listed Mass for Saint Ann and then follow the directions.  You will receive a Confirmation email and you will need to bring that confirmation with you to that Mass on Saturday, August 8, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
     We will also be Live Streaming this Mass for those not able to attend or prefer to remain home.  The streamed mass will be available shortly before 6 p.m. on Saturday, August 8, 2020 and can be found on our  Parish YouTube Channel  under Live Streams.  A link will also be provided on our Parish Facebook Page and on our Parish Website  under Mass/Live Streamed Mass.
     While you are waiting for Mass to begin or anytime you have a few minutes, please take a look at the two new reflection videos on our Parish YouTube Channel on Stewardship and the Mass that were produced by our very talented although anonymous parishioner.
     Regular Sunday collections this past weekend were $3,540 as shown on the downloadable Money Management Report.  You will also note that the year-to-date deficit versus Weekly Budgeted Amount has been greatly reduced by the $20,000 grant money.
     Thank you to those continuing to support our parish with your financial contributions.  They are appreciated.
     Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for Us.
     Many good things to you,
     Father Jon Plavcan, Administrator