Dear St. Ann Parishioners,
On this weekend of Fr. John’s 39th Anniversary of Ordination, I am pleased to share with you a Message from Sr. Melanie Rauh, PHJC Sr Melanie, our very own parishioner.
Also, please tune in to our Parish YouTube Channel this weekend beginning at 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 11th for our weekly broadcast mass. You can follow this link for the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time. We’ll also post a link on our Parish Facebook Page.
Many thanks to all of you who continue to show your financial support of our Saint Ann Parish Community. Regular Sunday collections this past weekend were $3,845 as shown on the attached Money Management Report.
While we continue to plan for the reopening of our parish, please know that we intend to continue the Lithuanian traditional Third Sunday Mass at 1 p.m. with Fr. Kersys. Once details have been finalized, we will let everyone know with an email plus posting on our Facebook Page and Website.
Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for Us.
Many good things to you,
Father Jon Plavcan, Administrator